星期六我打算了跟Allie&Ericka一起去海底世界但是它已经关门的所以我得想一个不一样的想法。我在烈士墓(一条路)跟Allie&Ericka一起吃过午饭. 然后我们一起决定去洋人街看一看。洋人街是一个很奇怪的地方, 哈哈。我们带花了两个小时然后回沙坪坝。我们去了家乐福买东西然后回我的家。我们买了的牛油果所以我们可以做guacamole.那个guacamole吃了好极了!我要又吃!吃完了以后我们一起看阿凡达。Ericka以前没看过。她说他喜欢了它。这是了我的星期六。它是了好玩儿!
Saturday, I had planned to go to Underwater World with Allie and Ericka but it had been shut down so I had think of another idea. We met on Lieshimu (a street) to eat lunch. After that, we decided to go to Foreigners Street. It is a weird place, haha. We spent about to hours there and then went back to Shapingba. We took a trip to Carrefour to buy some stuff and then went back to my house. We bought avocados to make guacamole! It was soooo good. I want to eat it again! After we ate it we watched Avatar. Ericka hasn't seen it before. She said she liked it.This was my Saturday. It was fun!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
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AH! Matt! It's been so long! It's Lindsay! I've missed our epic conversations! How have you been? Seems like you've been having a good time, enjoying yourself. Can you absolutely not wait to see the new Avatar: The Last Airbender movie? If we can, we really need to chat sometime! MSN or AIM me! I'm not on MSN much so Meebo would also work. Becks and I have gotten close these couple of months, on sims. Hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy yourself, Matt!