Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday 星期六

星期六我打算了跟Allie&Ericka一起去海底世界但是它已经关门的所以我得想一个不一样的想法。我在烈士墓(一条路)跟Allie&Ericka一起吃过午饭. 然后我们一起决定去洋人街看一看。洋人街是一个很奇怪的地方, 哈哈。我们带花了两个小时然后回沙坪坝。我们去了家乐福买东西然后回我的家。我们买了的牛油果所以我们可以做guacamole.那个guacamole吃了好极了!我要又吃!吃完了以后我们一起看阿凡达。Ericka以前没看过。她说他喜欢了它。这是了我的星期六。它是了好玩儿!

Saturday, I had planned to go to Underwater World with Allie and Ericka but it had been shut down so I had think of another idea. We met on Lieshimu (a street) to eat lunch. After that, we decided to go to Foreigners Street. It is a weird place, haha. We spent about to hours there and then went back to Shapingba. We took a trip to Carrefour to buy some stuff and then went back to my house. We bought avocados to make guacamole! It was soooo good. I want to eat it again! After we ate it we watched Avatar. Ericka hasn't seen it before. She said she liked it.This was my Saturday. It was fun!

1 comment:

  1. AH! Matt! It's been so long! It's Lindsay! I've missed our epic conversations! How have you been? Seems like you've been having a good time, enjoying yourself. Can you absolutely not wait to see the new Avatar: The Last Airbender movie? If we can, we really need to chat sometime! MSN or AIM me! I'm not on MSN much so Meebo would also work. Becks and I have gotten close these couple of months, on sims. Hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy yourself, Matt!
